Botswana Unified Revenue Service (BURS) is the revenue service and a government parastatal of the Botswana government. BURS is responsible for collecting taxes and administering the BURS Act. The duties of the BURS include providing tax assistance to taxpayers and pursuing and resolving instances of erroneous or fraudulent tax filings.
The mandate of the BURS is to perform tax assessment and collection functions on behalf of the Government and to take appropriate measures to counteract tax evasion on the one hand, and to improve taxpayer service to a much higher level on the other.

The Challenge
Botswana Unified Revenue Service (BURS) is the only revenue and collection body which is responsible to implement and develop policies for collecting tax and revenue in Botswana. Moreover BURS is a legislative body which spends its considerable efforts in government research projects and community surveys to help the revenue reforms for businesses.
Being such a prestigious and a high reputed institution, it experiences a high footfall of business representatives and stakeholders. Due to this high influx of customers, BURS customer service area experiences irregular queues and long waits. Moreover, as part of the government’s policy, it is essential to gauge and measure staff performance when interacting with the stakeholders. Therefore a need prevailed to make customer service areas more organized.
The Solution
Products that will drive consistent customer journey at BURS encircle Virtual Queue Management Solution, Donatello Digital Signage and Opinion Plus for customer feedback. Additionally, BURS has access to real-time business intelligence reports and dashboards through a centralized reporting system.
Queue Management
In order to enhance customer experience Wavetec, in collaboration with KingJeff Technologies designed and installed a Queue Management System at BURS to manage and transform their customer service area.
The solution consisted of a complete customer flow and journey management solution. The service area is the physical space where an organization interacts with customers primarily for executing transactional activities, which are inherent in the business model.
Designed on the methodology of Organizing, Engaging, and Measuring specific actions which play an instrumental role in enhancing BURS customer service area. The queue solution consisted of a dual printer, touch screen self service kiosk which allows customers to take a virtual ticket. This touch screen ticket dispenser kiosk is equipped with two printers and comes with a multifunctional software making it easier for customers to choose a service category they are interested in.
Upon registration the customers enter a virtual queue and are issued with a unique identification number. To further integrate and augment customer experience, the BURS branded kiosk were strategically placed at two customer touch points.

Customer Feedback
Customer feedback units have also been deployed in various touch points at BURS which helps in streamlining customer satisfaction to a greater extent based on their feedback provided. On spot, customer feedback is captured through opinion plus which is then utilized for improving service areas of BURS.
This entire process is being monitored centrally by the Service & Quality Department. Real-Time Satisfaction Surveys with or without integration with queue management enhance BURS performance and they are able to keep their customers satisfied while addressing their queries in an effective manner.
Customizable surveys and templates enable BURS to have 360-degree feedback from their customers because they can create surveys and templates according to their own patterns and customer behavior.

Donatello Digital Signage
While waiting to be served, customers are engaged using digital signage solutions. In order to provide efficient services, there are LCDs installed at prominent areas of the branch that enable clients to see when they are next by checking their ticket numbers in the LCDs operated by Donatello, Wavetec Digital Signage.
Live Dashboards and Reports
The turnkey queuing system designed and deployed by Wavetec has advanced manager Dashboards & Live reports through a centralized reporting system, for extracting comprehensive insights in terms of customer flows, staff performance, service area efficiency and Customer Journey Mapping.
Branch performance is monitored in real-time using Wavetec’s central reporting system which helps in the creation of actionable reports that consist of decision making information.
Moreover, Wavetec’s live reports are used by the BURS management to comprehend daily footfall and the extracted data is then used to perform analysis as well as foresee future traffic in high performing branches.